The Greatest Voice

The Voice is one of those TV shows that I always try to catch, at least a few episodes of the blinds and the finals.  I just love music, and what I think I like the most about The Voice is the fierceness or fight each singer has to get through every stage, how they give it their all, lay it all on the line, because they believe they have a gift and they want to do the best with it.

Tonight* after watching another episode, tearing up through many performances, I got to thinking a couple of things.  

  1. I intimately know the greatest VOICE ever, the most creative, emotive, passionate, fierce, vulnerable, story telling voice there is.
  2. I’m sick of the excuses that I and others make for not chasing down and exploring the talents and gifts our heavenly Dad has given us.

One of the more common things you hear from the artists is that they realised that the need to pursue the perfection of their talent,  no matter the knock downs and knock backs, overrides every obstacle and  they are determined to keep giving their all.

If only, If only.  If only I could inspire you to pursue your gift/s with passion, if only you and I never gave up, but got back up, moved forward, took correction, improved, leapt out of our comfort zones.  What would the Kingdom of God look like then……..

The greatest voice, the GREATEST Voice, has power beyond anything you or I could imagine, and that voice has proclaimed over you a conquering spirit, has whispered  a confession of never ending love to you and I, has spoken life and freedom into our bodies.

What will it take to make us passionately pursue.  Don’t tell me you don’t know what your good at or what your gifts and talents are.  If you truly don’t know then buy the million books and do the questionnaires that have been designed to help you find out.  Better yet spend time with the one who gave them to you, who formed you in your mother’s womb, who knew you before creation.  Every gift from God is good, and every good gift comes from God.  It’s a win-win sorta situation.

You acknowledge that, you dwell on that, you live in intimacy with THE Voice, and you can’t get this wrong, you won’t fail, you will accomplish, you will fulfil, you will perfect, you will move others, you will expand The Kingdom.

Live Fearless – passionately pursue your gifts.

*whilst watching The Voice 2019 🙂

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