$10 Can Change Your Life

Don't spend your last 10 bucks, invest it.


Don’t spend your last $10 if you do not only will you be broke but you will not have access to more.

Now more than ever it’s time for you to understand the Kingdom Principle of giving.  And before you say – here we go, she’s going to ask for dollars – no I’m not – although if you want to spend some – head to our shop and get your brave on.  But don’t spend your last dollars on this website.  Don’t spend it full stop, invest it.

I want to draw your attention to Jesus, he understands the Kingdom Principle of giving and he used the Key to unlock it in his human life. Ever wonder or notice that the darling of heaven, who had access to the riches of his home, never and I mean NEVER, just made things appear from nothing. He chose to live as we do, bound by this earths kingdom principles.

What is the key? – I’ve hinted at it, maybe more than hinted, but let’s look at some examples.

So Jesus is preaching to a multitude talking about Kingdom stuff and a crowd has followed him out of town to listen, the disciples ever practical say “hey we better send people home its getting close to tucker time”, Jesus replies “What! you kidding me?, YOU feed them” (my paraphrase).  I mean not very Christian to send guest away hunger, is it?  The disciples a little confused, perplexed and maybe flabbergasted (great word isn’t it), say “Um Jesus, with what? We don’t have enough, or even the dollars to go get enough.” Jesus reply – “let me do it then, far out what do I have disciples for if I have to preach and prepare the meal” (again my spin 😊).


He asks them for whatever they have, in one location it was 7 loaves a few fish feeding 4000 men plus families with 7 baskets left over, at another location it was 5 fish and 2 loaves feeding 5000 men and families with 12 baskets left over.

The key is not how many fish and loaves or even that it was fish and loaves, the key isn’t a special formular 5+2=5000 + 12 or 7+few=4000 + 7 baskets.

The key is you must start with something to be thankful for in order for it to be multiplied.

Sorta like the natural science that there is nothing that comes from nothing.

Let’s look at another example.  Elisha and the widow with the oil. The widow’s dead husband was a member or a group of prophets and is stressed because her and her 2 sons have NOTHING – now I believe the Lord set this up so that Elisha arrived just before she truly had nothing – she approaches Elisha telling him a creditor has threatened to take her sons from her.  Elisha’s response “What do you have”.  “only a little oil left in this flask” she replies – now understand this – she had no flour, sugar, eggs, bread, beans, canned tomatoes, spaghetti, oats, spices – in fact she was about to lose her two sons to this creditor, in truth about to lose her future.

Elisha tells her to go and collect all the empty jugs, containers, cups from her neighbours.  Then tells her to go into her home, shut the door and start pouring the oil.  She does as he says, and starts pouring it out into those jugs, containers and cups and the oil keeps coming and coming until they are all full, then it stops. (I look at that story – and I know if she knew what was going to happen she would have grabbed the pots, pans and bathtubs – haha).

Ok now she has all this oil – what does she do with it – she sells it back to the neighbours and gets through the famine plaquing the land, paying the debt and living.

The Key of provision is in this story, just like Jesus, Elisha knew the key – he had to start with something.

Man if you could get this it overshadows – the law of 10% tithe (which by the way was practiced before the law).  If you get this you will be at church and the bag or plate is being passed around and you’re cashless (your wallet is in the other jacket) and you ask your neighbour for a dollar because you know the blessing of provision can ONLY come with you start with something.

If you get this you would start with your pay check and budget and a line in the budget would be giving, because you know it guarantees the next pay check, money, provision into your life.

You don’t need to worry about the effect of COVID on your job or business, because you’ve got this you know the key to unlock the blessing of heaven into your life.

So don’t spend those last dollars, invest them into your future, to guarantee eating tomorrow.

If its good enough for Jesus its good enough for you.  If Jesus was bound to this principle on earth – guess what – so are you.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Elaine

    Great read 👌💕💕

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